The Learning Center is a very special space at our School, which opened in 2015 with the objective of providing specialized, structured, and coordinated accompaniment to students, considering their characteristics and the different aspects that can influence or enhance their learning process. The Learning Center is based on the latest scientific research in Neuroscience and Neurodiversity, and current educational challenges in the world, which call for inclusive education, and which is aligned with the school´s philosophy known as the Marymount Model.
The concept of Neurodiversity has allowed teachers to inquire and recognize the strengths, interests, goals, aspirations, hopes and capacities of their students, before their difficulties. Based on this new trend it is possible to understand the need that all students have to be seen as unique individuals, with unique brains, and create for each one the best learning environment where they can develop.
Neuroscientific evidence explains how the brain works when learning, with the aim of detecting and intervening early on the different abilities in students, considering their individuality and various ways of approaching knowledge, allowing them to advance in their academic and personal performance, and to enhance their motivation for learning. The Learning Center oversees and coordinates all the actions that have been implemented around the inclusion processes.
In addition, it is worth noting that the two international accreditation institutions, NEAS and CIS, have shown a special interest in inclusive practices within educational institutions and focus some of their observations on the evidence presented and on the concept that inclusion is considered in the community in general, both from an administrative and pedagogical point of view. Through the Learning Center we also respond to current, national, and international trends and demands in education and we provide protection to the entire student population, making this Institution a true Learning Community: Students, Parents, Professors, Psychologists, Management Team and External Professionals.
Currently there are 4 support programs and intervention plan that are being carried out with great acceptance and commitment from the entire Educational Community. These include:

Focused on the development of necessary conditions to successfully develop any learning process, such as memory, perception, attention, motor skills, lateralization process, etc. Group and individual screenings are also carried out to identify abilities of each student. Learning processes of students which due to some special condition in their development require the accompaniment of external professionals are monitored.

Knowledge (previous or current) of different areas, languages (Spanish, English, French), and Basic Sciences are addressed. Specific skills in each subject are developed and an accompaniment is made to help students improve their performance in standardized tests.

Strategies and tools that favor their learning process such as styles, habits and personal routines are provided. Also, the development of Executive Functions is addressed.

It seeks to enhance the abilities of students in different fields and areas of knowledge, when their performance is above what is expected for their age and / or academic year.