During their time in Middle School, students make the transition from childhood to adolescence, which implies experiencing significant physical and psychological transformations. They begin to clearly develop abstract thinking, an ethical and moral stance and a broad exploration of personal tastes and passions, as well as a refinement of their social circle, which encourages the development of critical thinking and promotes autonomy and self-management.
Learning process
The learning process in Middle School is led by area teachers who are experts in their disciplines. In 5th grade, learning of French as a third language begins. All this through active methodologies, student-centered learning, collaborative work, research, the development of creativity and feedback that allows students to view mistakes as learning opportunities.
Similarly, the use of technology is enhanced by adopting the BYOD policy (Bring your own device) , which implies that students have their own laptop.
The preparation and performance in standardized tests such as the Cambridge Check Points and the Avancemos Tests, promote and develop the necessary skills to solve problem situations with critical thinking and in context.
Training projects
This section offers, a series of training projects which are included in a curriculum aimed at developing socio-emotional skills and which promote comprehensive training and the development of a growth mindset.
In 5th grade, the VYDA (Values and Self-Esteem Development) project is concluded. School Coexistence is strengthened through engagement between all grades. The Time of God project promotes the development of an inner and spiritual life through liturgical celebrations and different school activities; including spiritual retreats that take place in grades 5 and 7. The other training projects (SER – Sexuality/Health, Emotions and Interpersonal Relationships, Consumption Prevention, Life Project and Being a Citizen) continue throughout the Middle School period.
Spare Time Activities
The adequte use of spare time is one of the pillars of 21st century learning in which students explore their interests, enhance their talents, and develop skills according to their strengths. In this section, said activities are diversified, which implies that in addition to sports, cultural, academic and innovation programs, offered up to 4th grade, students can also participate in the United Nations Model, GCMX (Global Changemakers) , El Parche de las Letras (Literature club), Solidary Marymount, MRU (Marymount Research Unit), Girl Up, and Girl Boss (entrepreneurship) programs , among others.
Global citizenship
In this section, trips, and expeditions to different parts of the country continues and language immersions begin with an exchange program to Canada in 5th grade. Sports and cultural exchange programs also begin with schools belonging to the of RSHM (Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary) global network schools.
Work team
The Middle School team is made up of expert teachers in their areas, led by the Section Director and the Learning Director, and the processes are permanently supported by the Learning Center and the Section psychologist.
Structure and schedules
Middle School is comprised of grades 5, 6, 7, and 8, which range in age from 11 to 15 years. All grades have 3 groups and each one is guided by two group directors. School hours are between 7:15 a.m. at 3:15 p.m. and extra-curricular activities between 3:15 p.m. and 4:15 p.m.