Preschool life is a joyful and pleasant experience where girls find the right space for their needs with expert professionals who support their creativity, cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development. Teaching practices are based on the principles of active learning, considering that mistakes are a learning opportunity and in which developmental stages are considered. Artistic and recreational activities are offered to promote intellectual development, cultural diversity, physical activity, creativity, and artistic expression. Students work on projects in a bilingual environment.
Learning process
Learning of English begins with an immersion in the language in everyday life as well as strengthening of the native language (Spanish). Development of skills and competencies are based on MEN (Ministry of National Education) and British guidelines (Early Years Foundation Stage) and the CASEL Affective Dimension (Social Emotional Learning).
Training projects
To promote comprehensive development of students, the school has training projects, led by different areas, that supplement the academic process:
• The Vyda program, seeks to promote the formation of values and the development of self-esteem; this is a program run by parents and guided by the Psychology Department and begins in kindergarten.
• Time of God: Spiritual life of the girls begins, with the presentation in the Temple and liturgical celebrations that promote the Catholic faith and the connection with the inner world, being respectful of other beliefs and religions.
• SER Project (Sexuality / Health, Emotionality, and Interpersonal Relationships) favors the integral formation of students by promoting the healthy development of their sexuality, self-care, self-esteem, responsible decision-making, and healthy coexistence.
• Becoming a Citizen, recognizing themselves as an active part of a community, in such a way that they generate a positive impact on their environment.
• Life Project, part of self-knowledge so that they can recognize their strengths and aspects to improve to develop 21st century skills and abilities.
• School Coexistence focuses on strengthening the relationship skills of students through different activities and events to promote a healthy school environment.
Spare Time Activities
The adequate use of spare time is one of the pillars of 21st century learning, which includes the Comprehensive Program offered to Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students and extracurricular activities for Transition students. Its objective is motor development and the promotion of habits and routines. These are led by the Sports Club and the Cultural Committee.
Global citizenship
Training in global citizenship begins in Preschool, based on different dimensions and interdisciplinary projects, including self-knowledge, recognition of their environment and different cultures; Its objective is to develop relationship skills, social and self-awareness. In the same way, training projects are developed with the schools belonging to the RSHM (Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary) global network of schools).
Work team
There is an interdisciplinary team consistent of a Section Director, a psychologist, a teacher specialized in the learning processes from the Learning Center, Learning Direction, 15 bilingual teachers in charge of developing cognitive, affective, communicative (English), and artistic and fine motor skills; 6 teachers specialized in Spanish in charge of developing the communicative, ethical and evaluation dimensions, a music teacher (artistic development) and a physical education teacher (gross motor skills).
Structure and schedules
Preschool is comprised of Nursery, Pre-kinder, Kindergarten, and Transition grades, which span ages 3-7. Each grade has 3 groups. Nursery and Transition groups have 2 group directors each and Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten have a group director and an assistant each one.
School hours for Nursery and Pre-kinder are from 8:00 a.m. at 12:30 p.m.
Kindergarten and Transition from 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Extracurricular activities for Transition are between 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.